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Dr. K.R. Suresh Nair, an esteemed alumnus of IIT Bombay, a serial entrepreneur stands at the forefront of innovative product design and technology development. As the visionary founder of Design Alpha, he has dedicated himself to nurturing entrepreneurs in critical sectors such as healthcare, environment, agriculture, Defence and Transportation. Design Alpha with a strategic investment, got transitioned to Amara Raja Design Alpha providing concept to product development services. Dr. Nair is also Founder of Biophoton Technologies engaged in healthcare products.

Dr. K.R. Suresh Nair, an esteemed alumnus of IIT Bombay, a serial entrepreneur stands at the forefront of innovative product design and technology development. As the visionary founder of Design Alpha,he has dedicated himself to nurturing entrepreneurs in critical sectors such as healthcare, environment, agriculture, Defence and Transportation. Design Alpha with a strategic investment, got transitioned to Amara Raja Design Alpha providing concept to product development services. Dr. Nair is also Founder of Biophoton Technologies engaged in healthcare products.

Dr. K.R. Suresh Nair, an esteemed alumnus of IIT Bombay, a serial entrepreneur stands at the forefront of innovative product design and technology development. As the visionary founder of Design Alpha,he has dedicated himself to nurturing entrepreneurs in critical sectors such as healthcare, environment, agriculture, Defence and Transportation. Design Alpha with a strategic investment, got transitioned to Amara Raja Design Alpha providing concept to product development services. Dr. Nair is also Founder of Biophoton Technologies engaged in healthcare products.





 Startups Mentored 




Young Minds ignited


Technical Reports


Technical Reports


Dr. K.R. Suresh Nair, an esteemed alumnus of IIT Bombay, a serial entrepreneur stands at the forefront of innovative product design and technology development. As the visionary founder of Design Alpha,he has dedicated himself to nurturing entrepreneurs in critical sectors such as healthcare, environment, agriculture, defence and transportation . Design Alpha with a strategic investment, got transitioned to Amara Raja Design Alpha providing concept to product development services. Dr. Nair is also founder of Biophoton Technologies engaged in healthcare products.


With an unwavering belief in the potent synergy between academia and industry, Dr.Nair emerges as a guiding force in the realm of new technology advancement. From his humble beginnings in the R&D Lab of the Ministry of IT to his tenure as Global Chief Technology Officer at NeST, Dr. Nair consistently spearheads innovative progress. His passion for knowledge dissemination knows no bounds, exemplified by his extensive contributions: 107 publications, 18 patents,3 books and over 200 technical reports. Dr. Suresh Nair stands not only as an innovator and mentor, but as a true luminary in the realm of technology and product development..


 Dr. Suresh Nair

"Entrepreneur, Mentor ,Philanthropist"

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Dr.Suresh Nair’s transition as Scientist, Corporate Industry Professional, Entrepreneur and Mentor . In the early dawn of my career, nestled within the hallowed halls of Government Research and Development, I embarked on a journey that was nothing short of a dream for any Scientist or Engineer. My days were consumed with the intricate design of an atmospheric radar - a task both prestigious and exhilarating. Surrounded by an excellent working ambiance, where concessional healthy food fueled our bodies and a conducive environment nourished our minds, I delved deep into the realms of analog, digital, RF and Microwave designs, software algorithms, and simulation techniques. Being an integral part of the system design team, I absorbed knowledge like a sponge, learning nuances and complexities that only such hands-on experience could offer. The radar system, our brainchild, was eventually installed. It performed splendidly, surpassing all expectations. Many years later, a nostalgic journey took me back to that remote area, and to my amazement, I found that the facility had grown exponentially, now boasting an array of atmospheric experimental facilities – a testament to our foundational work. After this fulfilling endeavor, a new challenge beckoned – research on advanced optical chip designs. Supported generously by government funding, we established a design and engineering center dedicated to integrated optics. As the leader of this venture, I recall this term with a sense of pride and fondness. It was a period marked not only by challenges but also by the relentless dedication of a team of young Engineers. Together, we toiled day and night, our efforts culminating in the successful demonstration of lithium niobate modulators and Glass based 1x8 power splitters in optical communication wavelengths. This triumph caught the attention of an optical company from the US, who were so impressed by our innovations that they decided to acquire the technology we developed. That period in my career remains etched in my memory, a time when hard work, team spirit, and groundbreaking achievements intertwined to create something truly remarkable. As I journeyed through my career, a pivotal moment arrived, steering me from the prestigious corridors of R&D into the vibrant, unpredictable world of private industry. This transition was sparked by a US company, whose manufacturing operations were nestled in the lush landscapes of Kerala. Their endorsement was the catalyst for my shift, a leap from the familiar realms of a celebrated research organization into the exhilarating uncertainty of a private enterprise. The move was met with whispers of caution and trepidation. The industry, many said, was a different beast – unpredictable, with the ever-looming shadow of job insecurity. This decision wasn't mine alone; it bore a significant impact on my family. My wife, an accomplished ENT surgeon, had to close the doors to her own clinic, stepping into an uncertain future without a confirmed job in sight. My son, in the midst of his academic journey, faced the daunting task of leaving his classmates behind to join a new school, one that graciously allowed a mid-term admission. This chapter of my life was more than a career shift; it was a deep dive into the world of global business. It was here that I learned the art of being an opening batsman in client meetings, skillfully pitching for business right from the first encounter. I was tasked with leading a larger R&D team, a group of brilliant minds racing against time to deliver products that were not only innovative but also ready for the rigors of manufacturing. Amidst these challenges, an exhilarating opportunity surfaced. A global network provider laid down the gauntlet – an open challenge to conceptualize Fiber to Home based systems. The stakes were high; a multimillion-dollar business awaited us if we could deliver a concept that was innovative, impressive, better in specifications, and cost-effective. Preparation for this challenge was intense. As the opening batsman, I knew the pitch demanded excellence that had not been achieved by anyone before. My team and I embarked on an exhaustive journey of literature surveys and meticulous studies. We delved into every nuance, every possibility, exploring uncharted territories to bring this groundbreaking concept to life. This period was more than just a phase of professional growth; it was a transformative experience that reshaped my understanding of business, innovation, and leadership. It was a testament to the power of resilience, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of excellence, even when faced with the unknown. This journey, rife with challenges and triumphs, not only charted a new course for my career but also left an indelible mark on my personal growth, teaching me invaluable lessons about the complexities and rewards of the global business landscape. At this crucial juncture of my career, I found myself at a crossroads, grappling with two daunting options, each fraught with its own set of risks and potential rewards. The task ahead was Herculean – to meet a specification in fiber optics that had eluded the best in the field, a feat not yet documented in the annals of technological advancements. The decision I was about to make would not only define the trajectory of our project but could also seal the fate of potential business opportunities. The first option was to play it safe – to inform the committee that we could achieve what had been documented in literature to date, but not the advanced specifications they demanded. This approach, however pragmatic, ran the risk of the committee perceiving it as an admission of our limitations, a confession that we were not equipped to meet their futuristic standards. The alternative was more audacious – to commit to the demanding specifications, despite the knowledge that no entity had yet achieved them. This path was equally perilous, as it could invite skepticism regarding our understanding and experience in the technology, casting doubts on our capability to deliver. As the meeting loomed closer, sleep became elusive. The weight of the decision hung heavily on my mind – it was a crime to lose such a monumental business opportunity, especially when we were relatively new to this realm of technology. It was during one of these restless nights that a spark of an idea ignited in my mind, a strategy that could potentially turn the tide in our favor. In the meeting, I took a leap of faith. I declared our commitment to achieve the demanding specifications, despite the absence of any precedent. I posited a belief – if such an established global company had set these specifications, they must be within the realm of possibility. It was a bold stance, but one that was rooted in a deep-seated belief in the art of the possible. This audacious commitment paid off. We were given the opportunity to demonstrate our product within a few months. My team, fueled by determination and ingenuity, embarked on a series of improvisations. After tireless efforts and numerous iterations, we succeeded in developing a concept that met the demanded specifications – a feat that had seemed nearly impossible. Thus, we not only secured the global network provider as our client but also ventured into the next phase of challenges – realizing this breakthrough in volume manufacturing with specifications that were hitherto unrealized. The ensuing months were a whirlwind of research, development, and relentless work, culminating in the establishment of a manufacturing facility that turned our groundbreaking concept into a tangible reality. Post the exhilarating journey of pioneering fiber optics technology, life settled into a rhythm filled with presentations, product deliveries, and the continuous pursuit of adding new clients from diverse sectors. Innovation, once a mere aspect of my job, had now transformed into an addiction, a relentless drive that reshaped my vision of the future. I realized that the true essence of enjoying this creative fervor was to step into the world of entrepreneurship. Venturing into entrepreneurship in my fifties presented a unique scenario. The startup landscape was predominantly a playground for the young and daring minds. Yet, here I was, embracing this sweet challenge with open arms, ready to rewrite the rules. I immersed myself in the world of startups, participating in competitions, and absorbing wisdom through a series of short courses at top universities, all focused on the art of entrepreneurship. As I navigated this new path, I found a curious truth unveiling itself – with each year spent as an entrepreneur, I felt as though I was journeying back to my forties. It was as if entrepreneurship had the power to reverse the sands of time, rejuvenating the spirit with each innovative step. The first imperative as an entrepreneur was clear – to conceive innovative ideas. During this quest, I chanced upon a picture in a book that portrayed Adam and Eve, Isaac Newton, and Steve Jobs, all linked by the motif of an apple, each symbolizing revolutionary changes in their respective eras. This imagery sparked a thought – being in a land abundant with coconuts, a Newtonian revelation might end rather abruptly for me. I chuckled at the thought and decided against the idea of replicating such epiphanies. Instead, I turned my focus to understanding customer pain points. The goal was no longer about emulating historical figures or their eureka moments. It was about carving a unique niche, identifying areas where innovation could alleviate challenges, and enhance the customer experience. This shift in perspective marked the beginning of a journey that was as much about unlearning as it was about learning – a journey where age was merely a number, and the true metric of vitality was the ability to innovate and transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. As an entrepreneur, every day was a new canvas, waiting to be painted with ideas that could potentially change the world, one innovation at a time.

Literary Works

Literary Works

Dr.Suresh Nair, a profound thinker and author, delves into the philosophical concepts though his jovial way of writing short stories in his own mother tongue, Malayalam. All these were published in magazines. These were “sought after ones to read  first”  when the magazine gets published.

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